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House of Cards against humanity this #valentinesday

The kickstarter group behind the grossly inappropriate card game ‘Cards Against Humanity’ have joined arms with Netflix’s hit TV show House of Cards for one of the more exciting joint ventures in Valentine’s Day history.

For those of you unaware, Cards Against Humanity is the new house party standard where a player selects a black card containing a phrase which omits a word. You then need to pick the most appropriate word from your set of white cards to complete that sentence.

The catch is that there really are no appropriate words or phrases.


Netflix house of cards against humanity

House of Cards against humanity combines quotes and spoiler ridden phrases from the hit show with a new set of suggested words, most of them lacking any form of profanity filter, making you feel that little bit more like Frank Underwood himself.

But don’t take our word for it…



In anticipation of the Valentines day launch, the official twitter account for House of Cards has also embraced the #RejectedCandyHearts hashtag with a Candy Heart of its own.



Although House of Cards Against Humanity is sold out, you can print out your own set from the official website. If you did successfully order a pack, here’s something to keep in the back of your mind…



Season 2 of House of Cards launches this Valentine’s Day on Netflix.