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How Professional Live Streaming has Changed the way we Celebrate Weddings and Funerals

How Professional Live Streaming has Changed the way we Celebrate Weddings and Funerals

Just a few years ago, before the Covid19 Pandemic, live streaming was quite a niche service. Only a few businesses or churches would have basic live-streaming capabilities installed. This however changed dramatically, when the first lockdown was imposed.

Wedding Live Streaming

The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns caused many people to cancel or postpone their in-person weddings. As a result, live streaming became a popular alternative for couples who still wanted to get married on their original date and share the experience with friends and family members who were unable to attend due to travel restrictions or concerns about the virus. Additionally, social distancing guidelines made it difficult for people to gather in large groups, making live streaming a safe and practical solution for wedding celebrations. The pandemic has accelerated the trend of live-streaming weddings, which was already on the rise, making it more popular than ever before.

Amateur wedding live streaming

During the pandemic, some couples attempted to live stream their weddings themselves using platforms like Zoom, Facebook Live, or YouTube Live. They may have failed for a few reasons:

It’s important to note that these are generalizations and not all couples who attempted to live stream their weddings themselves failed. And now with more professional live streaming services available, it has become much easier for couples to live stream their weddings with professional help.

Professional wedding live streaming

Many couples turned to professional wedding live streamers who have the experience, equipment, and knowledge to overcome these challenges that couples may face when attempting to live stream their weddings themselves. Here is how:

By working with professional live streamers, couples can have peace of mind and focus on their special day, knowing that their live stream is in good hands.

Funeral Live Streaming

Similarly to weddings, many families had the dilemma of strict lockdown rules during the pandemic. Live streaming the funeral of a loved one seemed to be the obvious way to solve the problem of large amounts of mourners not being allowed at the funeral.

Amateur funeral live streaming

While in a hurry, some families tried live streaming the funeral by themselves using their smartphones. However, live streaming a funeral with a smartphone can be a difficult and inappropriate way to share a funeral with those who are unable to attend in person. There are a few reasons why this might not be a good idea:

It’s important to respect the privacy and feelings of the family and to ensure that the funeral is always conducted with dignity and respect. If a live stream is desired, it’s best to consider professional funeral live-streaming services that can provide a more appropriate and respectful way to share the funeral with those who are unable to attend.

Professional funeral live streaming

Professional funeral live streamers have the experience and equipment to overcome the challenges that come with live streaming a funeral with a smartphone. They can help to solve these problems in a few ways:

By working with professional live streamers, families can have peace of mind knowing that the live streaming is done in a respectful and dignified manner.

Closing thoughts

Live streaming is now very common at weddings and funerals to include those, who cannot attend in person due to reasons such as old age, travel restrictions, etc. While it is possible to live stream such important family events yourself using your phone, it is always better do find a professional live streamer to produce the live stream at a high quality and with the reliability that only comes with years of experience in the industry