How to build a thriving ColdFusion Community?

A top contender for any developer, ColdFusion is one of the best and only tag-based computing languages that till date has no match. As a RAD (Rapid Application Development) language, ColdFusion enables development of strong websites that can be stored as an independent product. Ever since its inception in the technical world, ColdFusion has been empowering the developers across the globe. It makes ColdFusion one of the most desirable programming languages for a developer.

Adobe has released a roadmap indicating support of CF until 2025 and beyond – a language is only as strong as its community. Anyone coding in ColdFusion can build a community to learn new features, solve problems, and create code for future development. This article highlights various ways in which you, as a CF developer, can build a vibrant ColdFusion community.

Improve Your Knowledge

Education can support the current development of the CF community while laying a foundation for the future. Since there is a need for new development methods, features, and tools – most CF developers believe that with CF, there is always something you can learn. CF coding allows novice developers to pick up web application development quite easily and allows experienced coders to explore advanced tools. Due to this, there is no dearth to the type of knowledge you can gather and utilize for rapid web development using CF. To improve your knowledge, many ColdFusion resources available like Adobe CF Developer Centre, CF Alive, and IT Landmark.

Teach for Change

Developers that take time out to help novice coders are the ones keeping the CF community alive. If you want to build a thriving ColdFusion community, you must spread the knowledge you have gathered. While you can start your network where you bring together CF developers, you can start by helping others in the CF slack channel and becoming more vocal about CF. Most ColdFusion developers must continue building the community by changing the general mindset that believes CF is dead – it’s not! CF has had breakthroughs for over 20 years, with Adobe projecting annual growth of 6 – 7%.

Begin Outreach Programs

Reach out to fellow developers, because CF is going to stay alive only as long as developers keep using the language. To begin with, you can start coder groups to discuss the various possibilities of ColdFusion. The group can discuss various aspects, starting from the ease of learning the language, to job opportunities, to future scope. As long as CF developers create and continue building outreach programs, coders will come on board the development process. You can begin outreach by creating groups, joining the Adobe and Lucee community, starting webinars, and live stream events on social media platforms.

Strengthen the Community

You can build a CF community that thrives by always encouraging development. Start by selecting top developers to act as counselors that community members can approach for one-on-one questions and issues. Through mutual support and inspiration, a CF community can continue growing and thriving. You can encourage development in not just CF but also Java. Since the former is built on top of the latter, you can use Java skills to compliment your CF development and can spread the same message throughout your community. The more scope CF has, the longer it will stay powerful!