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How to Migrate from Magento to Shopify Risk-Free in Several Steps

Magento to Shopify

The e-commerce sector is developing extremely fast. Modern entrepreneurs aim to keep up to date their business channels and merchandising abilities. Most of the contemporary market representatives enhance their e-commerce projects with the help of online stores. This way they get bigger market outreach and can multiply their incomes.

Not to come short of the number of customers and have competitive opportunities with the rivals, sometimes migration from one online platform to another is required. Today we will take a closer look at such a transformation as migrating store data from Magento to Shopify. Both manual migration algorithm and automated transfer will be described.

Migration from Magento to Shopify: Main Advantages

First, it is necessary to understand the major migration reasons. Despite the fact that Shopify offers rather more opportunities for business activities and market channel formation, there is a big number of Magento fans. Nevertheless, there are some weak points of the Magento-based stores to take into consideration:

Speaking about Shopify benefits, the key one is the unlimited range of e-commerce possibilities. It is the all-in-one ecosystem for entrepreneurs with advanced back-end and front-end customization options and must-have marketing tools. Additionally, Shopify is notable for:

If all these reasons are obvious and well-understandable for you as for an entrepreneur, the following tips will be helpful when it comes to the migration process from Magento to Shopify. Note that this process should be done very accurately because the most dangerous accident can take place – all the data or a part of it may be lost during the migration process.

Take into consideration the special tool that will turn each migrating stage into automatically-done one. Use Cart2Cart for this purpose and avoid manual work and possible errors or data loss. But if you are interested in the self-done migration, here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to do everything properly.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Migrate from Magento to Shopify

First, you need to set up your new account in Shopify. This process will not take much time. Check pricing plans beforehand and choose a proper one during the sign-up procedure. Remember about staff limitations and your personal requirements to create a proper Shopify account for your e-commerce purposes.

When the first stage of your migration is completed, use the following algorithm to cope with the migration stages easily and fast:

  1. Online store backup creation – ask your hosting service provider about this option.
  2. Undertake the Export stage:
  3. Use CSV files to export all the information on your Magento-based online store.
  4. You need to log into your Magento account and find the Dataflow action button in the Export/Import section.
  5. Choose the command “Export all products” and get your CSV files.
  6. Pass the Import stage:
  7. If you have created the Premium Shopify account (Shopify Plus), use a special application named Transporter for automatically-done file import.
  8. If you have an average Shopify account, find the “App” button in the Administration panel and click “Import store”.
  9. When you have found Magento in the list of available apps, click its icon and select the action “Upload files”.
  10. Pass the confirmation when your CSV files are uploaded with the help of the button “Continue import”.

As can be seen that the manual migration is rather risky and needs your time to be spent on this process. If all the above-mentioned steps are done properly, you will migrate to Shopify simply. Nevertheless, remember about the Cart2Cart tool that can come in handy for your error-free migration.

To sum up, be responsible for your online store information and carry out data migration carefully. Note that even the Magento platform fans can face some problems with their favorite e-commerce service provider. Now, there is the latest version of the Magento-based software. It means that you need to update your online store not to be limited in any available options. We recommend not to risk and not to undertake any complicated steps yourself. Follow the link to move your Magento data automatically.