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Impressive Galaxy S4 mockup video

Galaxy S4

It seems that some concept designers have got together to make a Samsung Galaxy S4 concept video. We are surprised that a Samsung smartphone has a concept video, as they are normally reserved for Apple products – glad to see Samsung is really changing the way people look at the smartphone industry.

On this mockup, the Galaxy S4 comes with some impressive features, but unfortunately no flexible screen that Samsung Display is preparing to show off at CES 2013.

What it does show is a slimmer, larger Galaxy S4, with some incredible specs and a laser keyboard. While the laser keyboard seems a little futuristic, we are about to see screens that can bend, so maybe that technology isn’t far away either.

The mockup says the Galaxy S4 will have a 1080p AMOLED display, 13 megapixel camera, 2.0GHz quad-core processor, Android 5.0 and projection laser keyboard. The phone will also be “much thinner than the Galaxy S3 & iPhone 5”, something that is hard to believe looking at the pictures.

Of course, this is all theoretical and we have had many analysts and others predict what the Samsung Galaxy S4 will come with. Many see this as a turning point for the processor, moving from 1.5GHz to 2.0GHz, we suspect there will be a move to 3GB’s of RAM too.

The 13 megapixel camera is another feature that his been almost defined on the smartphone, even though we are unsure when it will come out and if its even in production.

This does show what Samsung have to do to be successful, while Apple can get away with similar performance, Samsung must look to better perform. Apple make software and hardware, they can afford to slip up in places.

Since Samsung borrow most the software from Android, they don’t have to worry about that, apart from the fact their skin comes under fire from some users. This means that the Galaxy S4 has to be an exceptional device, if Samsung want to win more fans.