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Instagram now lets users repost the Story they’ve been mentioned in

Instagram repost Story

Instagram repost Story

Instagram Stories is one of the best features that the platform has added in the recent times. It allows users to post pictures or short video snippets which will be visible to their followers for the next 24 hours. Its especially popular for the reasons that the users don’t have to put a moment on their feed to be visible forever.

The Stories feature, even though copied from Snapchat, still managed to capture a huge audience. One of the reasons being, the already huge user base of Instagram. The service boasts 300 million daily active Stories’ users. The number is much higher than the number Snapchat reports.

Instagram now lets users repost the story they've been mentioned in

To make the experience a bit more enjoyable and easier to use, Instagram is now adding a much needed feature – the ability to repost a story in which have been mentioned by your friend. For example, if you have gone out with your friend and your friend posts a short video snippet as a story while tagging you, you can now instantly repost the same snippet. The feature is something like the retweet feature on Twitter.

The new feature will also be popular with users who usually resort to screenshotting the Stories in which they have been mentioned and then repost it. The Stories has opened up a whole new level of games on Instagram; people tag their friends and ask them to post facts about them and many more similar games. When the friend posts facts about them, the person screenshots it and posts it again as a Story with a comment like “Aww, thank you”.

Instagram has been expanding at a rapid rate as it introduces new and fresh features almost every 2-3 months. Its expected to be the most popular platform for sharing photos and moments at-least for the next five months. Snapchat’s user-base doesn’t come close to what Instagram boasts.