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iOS 6, OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud to Take Centre Stage at WWDC

Apple have been installing a number of promotional banners at the Moscone Centre in advance of this week’s World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC), indicating that iOS 6, OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud are set to feature heavily at this year’s conference.

No attempt is made to hide the banners from view this year, and simply tout iOS 6 as “The world’s most advanced mobile operating system” and likewise, OS X “The world’s most advanced desktop operating system”.

WWDC 2012 iOS, OS X & iCloud Banners Erected by Workers at the Moscone Center

In addition to iOS 6, OS X, iCloud and AirPlay, Apple are widely rumored to launch a new range of revamped MacBook Pro’s at this year’s event.

Running from June 11 – June 15, this year’s WWDC is a sold-out event for registered developers who work within the Apple ecosystem.

iOS 6 Banner at the Moscone Center