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iOS 8 Problems: Lots of FUD, Little Real Fire

Set your iThings to AirPlane mode and cower low because iOS 8 problems and doom, doom, doom are upon us! Actually, not so much, but 'tis the season…

Mothers save your children! Men gather your women folk and babies, bolt the door and don’t open it for anyone or anything. Set your iThings to AirPlane mode and cower low because iOS 8 problems and doom, doom, doom are upon us!

Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) rain down upon us — woe betides the humble iPhone user! Actually, not so much. Much like iPhone 6 HairGate and iPhone 6 Plus BENDGHAZI, iOS 8 problems are to a degree real, but not harbingers of digital pandemic or electronic doom.

Weeks after the initial Wednesday, September 17 iOS 8 ship date, the biggest issue with Apple’s 2014 mobile operating system update is getting it installed. To whit, the biggest problem here is having enough free space to install OTA.

Say what? To install iOS 8 as an over-the-air (OTA) update, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users need roughly 5GB of free space on their devices. However, if that is what is preventing from installing iOS 8, get over yourself and do it the old fashioned way — tether your iThing to a Mac or PC running iTunes 12, click “Back Up Now” and, when that’s done, click “Check for Update” and then follow the onscreen directions.

Other update and specifically OTA update iOS 8 problems seem to be first and second day issues relating to capacity. When in doubt, shutdown and restart your iThing and try again.

Set your iThings to AirPlane mode and cower low because iOS 8 problems and doom, doom, doom are upon us! Actually, not so much, but 'tis the season…

It is a sad statement that more than 50 years after the digital revolution began, simply hard restarting (ie cycling the power) is still the best way to “fix” electronic device problems. Sigh, at least it’s easy to do, eh?

Other iOS 8 Problems

iOS 8 battery issues? Try this OS X Daily help piece, which includes the advice ‘just let it sit and then maybe restart’ among other things.

iOS 8 WiFi issues? iOS 8.1 Update seems to be the solution for most users. Nevertheless, post-iOS 8.1 WiFi problems aren’t unheard of and there are many active support threads, where you might find a solution to your specific instance of the issue.

Having other iOS 8 problems? Sound off and don’t shy with the solutions that worked, or didn’t, for you…