Still having troubles with your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch even after installing iOS 8.1.1? You will probably have to live with those issues until next year. While Apple may still release another bug fix update or two, right now the company and its developers are busy with iOS 8.2 Beta.
What’s that about? It’s about that bass Apple Watch and WatchKit developer’s toolkit.
Even as reports of unresolved iOS 8.1.1 issues rolled in, Apple began pushing iOS 8.2 Beta (iOS 8.2 Beta Release Notes) to developers. Although there certainly will be bug fixes and feature tweaks included in the final release, iOS 8.2 is all about delivering Apple Watch apps and services via the company’s recently unveiled WatchKit development environment.

iOS 8.2 lets you give Apple Watch users access to data and functionality related to your iOS app. The primary interface you can create is a Watch app, which gives users quick, focused ways to access their content without opening your iOS app on their iPhone… You can also enhance your Watch app by providing two optional Apple Watch interfaces that give users timely, high-value information: A Glance provides a screenful of meaningful information related to a Watch app. As its name implies, a Glance displays information that users can absorb instantly, without interaction; in fact, tapping a Glance on Apple Watch launches your Watch app — Apple Developer Connection.
Yep, iOS 8.2 Beta is all about creating, testing and delivering Apple Watch services and apps via WatchKit with a helpful dollop fresh Xcode templates and tools.
More fixes for issues users are experiencing right? Not so much…
What’s your take?
Via: 9 to 5 Mac