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iPad Mini 2 Retina Screens Hitting Production lines next month

NPD DisplaySearch have reported that Apple could release two Retina-enabled iPad Mini models. The first is expected to hit in the second half of 2013, with the other expected in the first quarter of 2014 with an updated processor. It is further reported that those first batch of Retina panels for the iPad Mini 2 could go into mass-production as soon as next month.

Richard Shim, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch, said:

We should see the start of mass production of the panels in June or July.

Of those displays, LG Display will be the major manufactures, with no sign of Samsung.

LG Display will be one of the major manufacturers of the display. Samsung is currently not in the iPad mini and they won’t be in the next generation. LGD is becoming a much bigger supplier than before.

Apple has been phasing out Samsung parts from its manufacturing process, as a result of the long-standing lawsuit between the two companies that have obviously taken affect on the supply chain relationship. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company have been drafted in to take over from Samsung to manufacture the next-gen processors for the iDevice lineups.

Apple need to be careful to not increase the cost of the iPad Mini 2, as the price point is one of the selling points of the current iPad Mini over the 9.7-inch model. Introducing a Retina display could increase the iPad Mini 2 cost and impact the overall of the device to consumers.

LTPS (Low-Temperature Polysilicon) is said to be the technology of choice for use in the iPad Mini 2 screen, which will enable Apple to keep the physical size of the iPad Mini 2 to a minimum.

We’ve heard numerous rumours concerning a new iPad Mini 2 making an appearance sometime in 2013, and hearing the latest news about the screens being put into production as early as next month, could mean more rumours as to the specs and more accurate release dates could start to filter through soon.

[Source CNET]