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iPhone 6 Pics: Two Sizes, Camera Changes Confirmed

Apple's 2014 smartphones aren't due until September or October, yet there are fresh iPhone 6 pics confirm two configs, as well as other tasty details.

When will the bigger, better, badder iPhone 6 arrive? Apple’s 2014 smartphone revision is likely due sometime in September or October. Nevertheless, there are fresh iPhone 6 pics that confirm two larger configurations, as well as other tasty details.

If professional Apple spy (and online marketplace sewer rat) Sonny Dickson and “from sources unknown” iPhone 6 pics are believable, then the 2014 iPhone update will come in two sizes.

Apple's 2014 smartphones aren't due until September or October, yet there are fresh iPhone 6 pics confirm two configs, as well as other tasty details.

“Pictures of the iPhone 6 Mockup have been circulating throughout the web,” writes Dickson. “I’ve gone ahead and compared the Mockup to older generations of the iPhones and the iPod Touch 5G, as well as the HTC One M8 and Samsung Galaxy S5.”

Apple's 2014 smartphones aren't due until September or October, yet there are fresh iPhone 6 pics confirm two configs, as well as other tasty details.

Like previously leaked iPhone 6 pics, these show that Apple has returned the camera aperture design to its original round aspect — the pill-shaped camera opening introduced Apple’s True Tone flash, which might be disappearing with this revision.

As to iPhone 6 ship dates, most sources still agree that a 4.7 inch iPhone 6 (“c” perhaps) will arrive first, perhaps in September. The larger 5.5 inch iPhone 6 proper isn’t expected until October or even November.

Liking what you’re seeing in these Sonny’s purported iPhone 6 pics or were you hoping for more…

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Via Wall Street Cheatsheet