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iPhone 6 Ship: Remember, Remember the 9th of September

A sticky combination of shooting fish in a barrel and throwing shtuff against the wall — here is the latest iPhone 6 ship date rumor for your edification

A sticky, juicy even, combination of shooting fish in a barrel and throwing shtuff against the wall to see what sticks limited by the simple fact that Apple will eventually obviate the iPhone 6 ship date by actually — hey, wha’dya know? — shipping the iPhone 6.

Like much of the tech press, Tapscape has variously reported that Apple will introduce the iPhone 6 on or about September 16 and then ship it on or about October 14. Our take on that particular rumor was that Apple would do its iPhone business in September and then its iPad business in October, just like last year.

Now, Re/code writer John Paczkowski claims that Apple has scheduled a “big media event” for Tuesday, September 9 where and whence the company will introduce the iPhone 6.

A few weeks from now we’ll get our first look at what he was talking about. Apple has scheduled a big media event for Tuesday, Sept. 9 — a date to which Apple numerologists will strain to attribute significance. As with September events past, the focal point of this one is to be Apple’s next-generation iPhones, which are expected to feature larger displays of 4.7 and 5.5 inches and run speedy new A8 processors.

Apple hasn’t sent any invitations because, if September 9 is the date, invites won’t be sent until a week before. Also, Apple has declined all opportunities to comment on latest iPhone 6 ships here or there rumor, because that’s how Apple rolls.

And, for what it’s worth, Paczkowski doesn’t mention a “reliable source,” “people with knowledge” or any of the usual silly sobriquets people throw out for convention’s sake — dude just knows, which is just fine by me. While Paczkowski’s iPhone rumor record isn’t perfect, he is often correct and his current confidence inspires, a little.

And, just for the joy of looking at them again, here’s a quick look at some of the better iPhone 6 bits, pieces and renders Tapscape has shared over the last X months. Enjoy…

The iPhone 6 needs an edge-to-edge display

Are you ready to buy an iPhone 6? Which one, the 4.7 inch or 5.5 inch iPhone 6? And, what will the final iPhone 6 ship date be, September or October?

Source: Re/code, Top Image: Redmond Pie