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JellyCar 3 – A New Jelly World

Price: $0.99   Score: 9/10   Category: Games

JellyCar is back in it”s third installment from Disney. Though first started on a Microsoft platform, it didn”t gain many fans until it hit the iOS app store and since then has amassed a huge audience.

I am very impressed with JellyCar 3. It is as if Disney has taken every single good point about the previous episodes and drawn on their popularity to make an even better game. The game is both fun, immersive and has a learning curve – you often find yourself sitting on a bus or a train tilting in your seat to flip the squidgey car over and make it tumble down a slope to hit the elusive stop sign which signifies the end of the level.

JellyCar is essentially a game where you control a car made out of jelly. The game couples cute sound effects and brilliant, simple graphics to produce a fast-paced, beautiful game. It is easy to forget when playing the game that this is only an app and I now think of casino it as a fully-featured video game; it”s really that good.

Disney have really done an epic job with JellyCar 3. Not only have they beaten the last 2 episodes of JellyCar, but they have also somehow managed to incorporate them – you still get your sticky tires, balloons and funky graphics, but you also get a brilliant, online slots fully-fledged game which manages to call itself a racing game AND a platformer.

I know that you are thinking, “Dale, why isn”t this a full 10/10 if this is such a brilliant game?!” Well, the answer to this question lies in the past. Remember in JellyCar 2 there was a level editor where players could create their own levels and play them so that the app was re-playable over and over again? Disney has decided that the level editor wasn”t a necessary addition in JellyCar 3 and ditched it, along with half of the apps replay quality.

Don”t get me wrong, Jelly Car 3 still has a lot of replay potential – the car is fully customizable (I have mine dressed in a tuxedo)  and the levels are still a lot of fun, but without the level editor a lot of fans are going to be disappointed. If you are sorely going to miss the level editor, don”t get this app, but if you aren”t going to miss it, go ahead and buy this app.

Hey, it”s only a dollar.