Key Steps to Follow When Picking a PPC Agency

Ecommerce is a fast-growing retail market that is projected to hit $4.1 trillion in sales in 2020. The growth of Ecommerce is directly contributing to the growth of the marketing industry. Businesses want to reach a vast audience. Therefore, they have to work on marketing their products and services so that they remain visible in a quickly becoming overcrowded market. This is why you need an excellent marketing agency like MagnifyLab by your side. If you are wondering what to consider when picking a PPC agency, this guide is for you. Below are five crucial steps to follow

Know your goals

There are many reasons people consider executing a marketing campaign. Some of them are:

  • Launching a new product
  • Increasing conversion rates and drive sales
  • Marketing a brand etc.

Whatever your reason, there are a few things you need to do before you settle on a company. Calculate your expected revenue from this campaign and work backward to decide how much you can spend on ads without cutting into your margin.

Settle on a pricing structure

There are four general pricing structures. Your choices are a performance-based structure, a percentage of your monthly ad spend, a flat monthly rate, and a hybrid structure. Remember that the quality of your leads is more important than the quantity. The PPC agency in London you settle for should focus on giving you the best of both worlds.

Identify key criteria

When looking for a PPC agency, what is most important for you? Is it their pricing structure? Are you looking for an agency with expertise in a specific industry? Do you want to specialize in a particular type of PPC ads? It would be best if you had these things in mind as you sift through the various agencies.

Identify several agencies

Do your research and identify several agencies that fit the bill. You can find them on google or through agency directories or referrals. Identify their methodologies and inquire about their quotes. Some agencies offer free consultation and quotes. Find out their bidding strategies, how they conduct keyword research, how they optimize bids, and how they collect and analyze data. Inquire about who you will be working with, whether they provide reports and which ones, how you can contact them, and the ease of changing agencies when you want to.

Pick an agency

Step four will help you narrow down your list of possible agencies to a handful. The next step is to look at the agency’s case studies. They will tell you how they have handled campaigns for previous clients. Finally, look at their reviews and testimonials. You gain more confidence in an agency if its clients have good things to say about them.

A good marketing campaign could translate to an increase in sales and consequently, business growth while a bad campaign could lead to losses. The process of finding and evaluating an agency is essential and should not be rushed. When you do settle on an agency, be upfront about your expectations and have regular meetings, for example, every quarter to analyze your progress and tweak strategies to meet any changes in the market.