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Kindle for iPhone/iPad Now Supports Audio

Amazon has announced new embedded audio and video functionality in its Kindle app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. The new functionality enables publishers to enhance a users experience by adding audio and video clips to text books.

The first two books that will take advantage of the functionality are Rick Steves’ London by Rick Steves and Together We Cannot Fail by Terry Golway, and are already available for purchase in the Kindle Store at

Dorothy Nicholls director of the Amazon Kindle said “We are excited to add this functionality to Kindle for iPad and Kindle for iPhone and iPod touch…This is just the beginning–we look forward to seeing what authors and publishers create for Kindle customers using the new functionality of the Kindle apps.”

While Kindle is intended to be a text only app, it’s great to see audio and video functionality being added to the app as well. What are your thoughts on the addition of audio and video to the application? Will you be more or less inclined to buy a title with audio/video added to it?