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Kwit iPhone App Review: Quit Smoking For Good

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Kwit is a novel quit-smoking aid in the form of a free app for iPhone. Developed by Geoffrey Kretz, Kwit is designed to help you beat the cigarettes once and for all.

When you first fire up Kwit, you’re asked to set a quit date. Setting a firm quit date is well known to be an effective strategy for mentally preparing to give up smoking. Once you’ve set the date, you’re asked to enter in your ‘old habits’ – how many cigarettes a day, the price of a pack and how many cigarettes per pack. As you can probably guess, the app helps you to keep track of how much money you’ve saved by not smoking, which can be a powerful motivator for many people.


The Kwit app gamify’s quitting by awarding you with levels as you progress. There is a quit clock which keeps track of exactly how long since you gave up the smokes – right down to the second, and it lets you share the achievement with friends via message, twitter, facebook and email.

Different levels are unlocked after set periods of time that correspond mainly to the improvements in health that occur after that much time has elapsed since your last cigarette. For example, these include improvements in blood oxygenation and cardiovascular performance, reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke – as well as cancer.

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At any time you can shake the app to get an extra motivational message if you’re tempted to go back to the cigarettes at any time.

For a free app, Kwit is definitely worth a try if you’re contemplating giving up smoking or have recently started the journey. It’s not an easy thing to do, so don’t forget to enlist the services of your local physician to help you through the process and provide pharmacological assistance and personal support if required.

Kwit requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. Follow Tapscape for the best iPhone app reviews.