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Travel Through Time in Mushroom Age for Android

mushroom age icon Price: Free     Score: 9/10     Category: Games

Mushroom Age from Nevosoft is a challenging Android game that will leave players coming back for more. With incredible graphics, a beautiful musical score and at a price everyone can appreciate, Mushroom Age is a hidden objects puzzle game that appeals to the novice and veteran gamer alike.

You play the character of Vera, a young woman who is looking for her fiancé Tom. Tom works in a top secret lab and has gone missing just before their wedding.

Undaunted, Vera sets out to uncover the truth about where her fiancé has disappeared to and finds herself transported through the ages seeking to find her beloved. Her journey will take her to the Jurassic period, the Stone Age, ancient Greece, and the distant future where the world is ruled by gigantic intelligent mushrooms.

What makes Mushroom Age so incredibly unique is the humorously clever storyline. Throughout her adventures, Vera helps a dinosaur with a tooth ache, introduces cavemen to the wonders of fire, works with Socrates to uncover truths, has her future told to her by Nostradamus and manages to find a way to save the world from complete and utter destruction. Not bad for a lass just out looking for her boyfriend.

Mushroom Age for Android is essentially a sleuthing detective game. Vera must uncover clues in each room to progress the storyline. Along the way, there are several mini-games, additional puzzles to solve, and side quests that keep the game light and refreshing.

The game play in Mushroom Age is incredibly simple and intuitive. Tap on objects to learn more about them in each room; the dialogue is narrated but you can tap through it to speed up the game play. Be careful though — often times clues to mission objectives are given in the dialogue and you don’t want to miss them (like I did the first time I played it through) because you get impatient.

Overall, Mushroom Age for Android is a great brain teaser for sleuths of all ages and abilities.

Mushroom Age is a game for the Android platform, requiring Android version 2.2 and later. A small expedite fee was paid by the developer to speed up the publication of this Android game review.