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Netflix adds ‘My List’ feature to replace queues

Netflix has rolled out a feature which has pretty much always existed to the US subscribers of the streaming service whereby users were presented with a queue-based experience. Internationally though, this was never the case, and instead users were presented with automatically generated lists which couldn’t be customised.


Netflix My Lists

However, rather than users having to rely on these automated genre lists, subscribers are now able to create their own viewing lists. The selection process is widely unchanged – there’s a “+ My List” button next to the content which will add it to a list of up to 500 items in each user’s profile.

Instead of remaining in a static queue (or suffering entirely random changes) Netflix is applying its algorithms to users lists, automatically sorting each one by what it believes people will want to watch next.

If you don’t want to use My Lists at all, however, there is the ability to disable it in favour of manual sorting. It will just drop lower in the usual rows of content and eventually disappear entirely once the other queues have been automatically updated and content seemingly randomly added.

One other tweak is a new flag for content that’s close to expiring, although like the company’s new profiles feature, it will take some time to roll out to all devices

There is also a placement for a Facebook Like button, which could see some sort of Spotify-inspired list sharing with your friends, or perhaps genre matching based on what your friends are watching, but there have been no comments on such features being released.

The feature should be rolling out to users and their individual accounts over the next few weeks, so keep your eyes peeled. Let us know in the comments section if the new My Lists feature has made it onto your Netflix account, and also what you think of it.