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Nexus 6 Pics, Specs, Price and Ship Date

Here comes the Google Nexus 6 and it's got über thin bezels, won't quite make to 6 inches and will run key lime milkshake…

Roy Batty this ain’t. Nevertheless, here comes the Google Nexus 6 and it’s got über thin bezels, won’t quite make it to 6 inches and will run key lime milkshake or whatever the next micro Android update gets called. Don’t believe it? Tapscape has Nexus 6 pics…

Google’s Nexus 6 is a strange best, an in-between product that will most likely share the same specs as the LG G3 (specs) if not the same outward appearance. It had been widely rumored that we should expect the Nexus 6 in time for Google I/O 2014 at the end of the month.

That, however, appears no longer to be the case.

Here comes the Google Nexus 6 and it's got über thin bezels, won't quite make to 6 inches and will run key lime milkshake…

Well well, what do we have here? A presumed Nexus 6 has been spotted on the official Android Twitter account promoting the OK Google concept. Of course, it may just be a mere placeholder or… the next gen Nexus phone —  Concept-Phones

Sharp eyed Tapscape readers will, of course, have noticed that the “Nexus 6” shown above isn’t running Google’s next-gen Android — Lollipop or Ladoo or Lime or… — mobile operating system.

Does that mean the image shown isn’t genuine or that the Nexus 6 isn’t real? Nope, it is just a detail that doesn’t fit.

So, the Nexus 6 ship date has, depending on your perspective, either slipped to September or actually never moved away from the perhaps inevitable timeframe.

Hoping for the Nexus 6 or is it just a variation on a theme that’s well past its sell by?

See also: Blade Runner