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Nokia Lumia 920 AT&T Plans Revealed

If you’re planning to get the Nokia Lumia 920 via AT&T, you’re probably wondering when it will be available so that you don’t waste your time with repeated trips to the closest AT&T store. The good news is we just might have information about AT&T’s schedule plans for the Nokia Lumia 920 that should help answer some of your questions.

AT&T Nokia Lumia 920

According to earlier reports, AT&T is looking at October 21 to release the Nokia Lumia 920. The problem with that date is Microsoft has yet to officially unveil Windows Phone 8 and is not expected to do so until the end of October. It seems highly unlikely that Microsoft would let phone companies spoil their plans the OS by selling the Nokia Lumia 920 and other upcoming Windows Phone 8 devices like the HTC Phone 8X and the Samsung ATIV S ahead of their own big reveal.

Today, WPCentral has shared some details obtained from a “highly-placed sourceat AT&T.” Here’s what the possible Nokia Lumia 920 schedule will look like:

With the sale dates scheduled after November and add to the fact that it falls on a Sunday, which is Historically AT&T’s favored day for selling new phones, this seems like a very possible scenario. WPCentral does note that a “soft-launch” of the Nokia Lumia 920 may happen on Friday, November 2:

“However, like previous pre-order dates there may be a soft-launch for Friday, November 2nd. For example, folks who pre-ordered the Lumia 900 often received them before the official ‘store’ date and it’s not uncommon to hear of people walking in early to AT&T stores and picking up phones before their official availability.”

We’ll keep monitoring the newswires for more information about the Nokia Lumia 920’s release.

Are you getting the Nokia Lumia 920 through AT&T? Let us know in the comments below!


[via WPCentral]