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OS X Beta Seed Program: Should I Participate?


Wanna check out an upcoming, unreleased version of Mac operating system, then the OS X Beta Seed Program very well could be your chance and Apple wants your help. Of course, Apple doesn’t want you to talk about it.

Apple has opened its OS X Beta Seed Program to everyone. However, very much like “Fight Club,” the first rule of Apple’s OS X Beta Seed Program is that you don’t talk about the OS X Beta Seed Program:

Join the OS X Beta Seed Program and accept the Beta Seed and Confidentiality Agreement. Apple will provide a Beta Access Utility for your Mac, which gives you access to pre-release versions of OS X in the Mac App Store Updates panel.

Nevertheless, are you interested in getting a taste of Apple’s previously forbidden fruit? While it might sound exciting, being an OS X Beta Seed Program member will be 99.99 percent not a thing.

OS X Beta: Should I?


Even before you consider the reasons you shouldn’t participate in the OS X Beta Seed Program, first think of reasons why you would want to — what will you get out of it? Is there any benefit?

1. Beta Software is Broken — The reason Apple wants your help is to find the problems. If you find a problem, you might get an “atta boy” from Apple, but nothing else.

2. There Is No Support for Beta Software — When OS X Beta breaks an app or service you rely on everyday, your only choices are: 1.) live with it or 2.) do a full clean install to restore the functionality.

3. No Recourse: — How many Macs do you have? If you only have one Mac, then you absolutely positively do not want to participate in the OS X Beta Seed Program. Why? See #2 above and imagine you 1.) can’t live broken software and 2.) discover too late you can’t do a clean install? Don’t do it.

4. No Discussion — The first rule of Apple’s OS X Beta Seed Program is that you can’t talk about the OS X Beta Seed Program.

Lastly, by agreeing to Apple’s “Beta Seed and Confidentiality Agreement,” you give Apple permission to track and record everything you do with your Mac. Is that an issue? Probably not, but it is something else to consider…

Will you be participating in the OS X Beta Seed Program or have you thought better of it already? Inquiring minds want to know…

Via: iMore