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Eco Punk Review

Price: $0.99  Score: 7/10  Category: Games Studio Nitako's Eco Punk is all about keeping the planet clean, and doing so with attitude. You...

Donate to Red Cross Japanese Relief Effort via iTunes

Following the aftermath of the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan, Apple has set up a donation page on iTunes to...

iOS 4.3 Coding Suggests A5 Powered iPhone 5

Apple released the latest update to its iOS operating system just the other day, and already a handful of coders have discovered signs ...

i3 Review

Price: $1.99    Score: 5/10   Category: Games Developed by Found in the Future, i3 is an innovative new puzzle game for iPhone and iPad. The objective is...

Wispin HD Review

Price: $2.99   Score: 9/10   Category: Games A wonderfully original arcade-style game from developer Grumpyface Studios, Wispin HD is a deserving winner of this week's iPad...

Paper Train HD Review

Price: $2.99   Score: 8/10   Category: Games If you're a fan of the hugely popular air-traffic control sim Flight Control, then you're going to love Paper...

Sad Princess Review

Price: $1.99   Score: 6/10   Category: Games From Perlo Games comes Sad Princess, a fairy tale action game with a twist. Instead of Prince Charming...

Official SXSW iPhone App Released

If you're lucky enough to be heading to South-by-Southwest 2011, then the new official SXSW event app for iPhone is a must-have. With SXSW GO,...

Get NCAA March Madness on Demand With New iPhone App

It's March, and if you're a college basketball fan, you know what that means. To help you keep on top of the madness, the...

iPhone App Roundup – This Weeks Best Apps

#1 Tiny Wings The amazing work of just one man - Andreas Illiger - Tiny Wings has taken the App Store by force over the...

Fight Night Champion is a Knockout Punch for the iPhone

Price: $4.99     Score: 9/10    Category: Games Similar to their work with MMA, EA Mobile has successfully brought a robust, home console fighting experience to...

Limited Time Sale On iPad Games From Gameloft

To celebrate the launch of the iPad 2, Gameloft has reduced the price of 12 of their iPad games to a mere $0.99. This...

iPad 2 Now Available for Purchase Online

Hate lines? The iPad 2 is now officially available for sale through the online Apple's store in the US (with free shipping). If you don't...