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Penultimate: iPad App Review

Whether you're the practical type who wants a pen-like note taking device for business meetings without carrying a pen, or the digital romantic who...

Financial Times: iPad App Review

The Financial Times app is beautiful. It's slightly pink signature FT colored screen background and crisp column layout delivers the kind of experience that...

Baby Decks DJ: iPad App Review

The creators of Baby Decks DJ, Async, know what it is to stand behind a pair of turntables and move a dance floor. You...

The Emergence of Flexible Devices

This isn't the first time the tech world has buzzed about screen technology that can bend, but Sony just made a move that brings...

The Impossible Game: iPhone App Review

I meant to write this review yesterday, but I was playing The Impossible Game nonstop. For those unfamiliar with the premise of the game,...

Twitter for iPhone: iPhone App Review

I can sum up my feelings on the Twitter for iPhone application in just one word: Disappointment. When I downloaded the app I had...

Facebook Gets Private (Again)

It seems like after all the outrage over loss of privacy, Facebook has decided to add new privacy features to the site that allow...

Wired Magazine Hits The iPad

Wired magazines iPad application officially arrived on the iTunes store shelf today. The previously announced digital version of the magazine features several interactive elements...

Apple Hits Viral Video Chart, Google Nowhere to Be Found

In just one week Apple's What is iPad commercial jumped to the number four spot on Ad Age's Viral Video Chart. With 929,681...

Angry Birds: iPhone App Review

I've been playing Angry Birds for the past 5 days and still haven't managed to make it through the first level. The premise of...

Wal-Mart Drops iPhone Price to $97

If you've been waiting to pick up a 3GS iPhone, now may very well be the time. Retail giant Wal-Mart announced this morning that...

Media and the MLB: The iPad Doesn’t Go Everywhere

SpaceKateGal confirmed last week that iPads are not allowed in Yankee Stadium. The device apparently falls into the laptop computers category as depicted...

Steve Jobs Keynote Monday June 7 at 10am

Apple confirmed in a press release that Steve Jobs will take the stage at 10am on Monday June 7th at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference....