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4 Proven Ways to Get Paid for Playing Games Online


Human ingenuity coupled with technology has become a powerful source not only for inspiration for many of us but also for real money-making opportunities. Take the sports industry, for example. Technology has changed profoundly the way we think about our bankroll when we go to online sportsbook sites to place our money on our favourite football team. Moreover, in recent years, this technological revolution has resulted in the ultimate opportunity for punters to play live at any time and on the go via a myriad of mobile apps to choose from. This has become the most obvious way to make money from the comfort of your home. If you still haven’t tried this on mobile. Don’t worry about compatibility – you can find mobile slots suitable for your device no matter which operating system you are using. I am sure that many of you now assume that we’ll be speaking about ways to beat the sportsbooks, but balancing the odds against your savings is really something that requires a different set of skills than the technological ones that we will be focusing on today. Similar to the online sports sites, gaming is considered a sport in countries like South Korea where StarCraft is a celebrated national sport. It is also true that gaming can become addictive and if this is the case, then consider these 5 proven ways to make a profit out of it.

Living off Twitch & YouTube

You will be amazed at the unbelievable number of people who switch on their Twitch to follow players’ games live, and it can be said that for some this streaming platform has now replaced the evening news channel. Twitch’s best currency is the players’ skills themselves as streamers with a lot of experience gather far greater followership of subscribers who pay a donation to watch their game. Therefore, don’t expect that you’d be immediately successful, but with patience, practice and some good storytelling skills you’d probably even consider changing your career to a full-time streamer occupation. Skilful gaming, however, is not a must to get started with streaming, as more important is to be able to play regularly and provide amusing and diverse content showing different gaming reviews live. Successful streamers recommend streaming every day at the same time to create an expectation in your subscribers. Twitch is really the perfect platform for all sorts of games starting from Diablo and Counter Strike to The Sims, making it also a very good choice for women who are looking for the opportunity to be heard and respected for their skills. Not only does Twitch provide for equal representation in the gaming world, it is a very social yet semi-anonymous experience, especially once you reach the 100,000 subscribers threshold or when you decide to team up with other like-minded streamers. However, as with every other gaming-for-cash option, streaming is hard work and will only pay out if you’re consistent and you’re not afraid to improvise while on air.

Competing at Gaming Tournaments

Long before platforms like Twitch, gaming tournaments represented the first real opportunity for passionate gamers to receive some cash prizes for their skills. If you feel ready to up your game, you would find that competitive gaming is a gold mine for the very skilled players amongst you. However, the pressure is much higher, as you either have to become the best gamer in the tournaments or you’d better not bother losing your time, as there’s no prize for the 5th best player, for example. Tournaments on games like DotA and Street Fighter have been reported the competitions with the greatest payouts of more $30,000, but the majority of other gaming tournaments are limited to smaller wagers. Another downside is that it’s not completely free of charge to enter the competitions, meaning that the pot prize is collected from all players’ entry fees. SlotsWebsites state that you should consider mastering some of the most popular tournament games before jumping into real time competitions.

Selling on Player Auctions and Virtual Markets

Selling powerful characters that you managed to develop by using your skills in games such as World of Warcraft or Diablo 3 offers players to cash out some very substantial sums from the markets. Accounts or characters’ prices vary and can come up to $600 on websites, such as These virtual markets have often been deemed as a grey area in discussions on making money from gaming, as they have been negatively associated with shady auctions on virtual accounts, characters and in-game objects after several accusations pointed at the Counter Strike’s Global Offensive community marketplace that deals in skins. Playing Counter Strike and Half-Life is also available tournament options for smaller stakes due to the awareness of the industry of the judicial complications of laws on wagering in the US. However, other countries like the UK has decided to continue to tolerate tournament gaming and gaming market auctions by regulations, instead of opening legal cases against it. Other popular virtual markets include the Stream community market and on streaming platforms like the Amazon-owned Twitch who has recently announced yet another opportunity for cash commissions for streamers who sell associated products on the platform. Games that fare well on these markets are the most popular action and strategic games like DotA, League of Legends, Clash of Clans, and most recently – Pokemon Go. The only downside to trading resources and characters is that it takes a lot of time and skill to develop these objects and market them well to have good returns on your invested time.

Testing Games and Playing Online for Cash

Game testing is a great option for gamers of lower skills who still want to cash out on their favourite past time. Testing games are all about spotting the bugs and reporting to the software developers, so don’t assume that it will be all for your own entertainment. Consider it a real job opportunity that provides the most secure way to make a living out of gaming. Thus, set the keywords in the job sites you follow and consider registering on platforms, such as This said, finding your first testing gig might prove to be more difficult for gamers who don’t have enough experience in quality assurance testing, for example.