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Penultimate: iPad App Review

Whether you’re the practical type who wants a pen-like note taking device for business meetings without carrying a pen, or the digital romantic who pines for a way to bring the written word back to the age of the iPad, Cocoa Box Design’s Penultimate answers your call.

The app allows users to create Moleskine like digital notebooks of any length on blank, graph, or lined paper in landscape and portrait mode. The introductory tutorial teaches users how to use the app and within a minute or two of downloading the app for the first time, you’ll be off on your own to create to do lists, doodle, and let your imagination run wild.

You can organize specific notebooks by name, scroll through pages by clicking on the lower right hand corner of the page, and even choose to email your creation as a single page or entire notebook. The first screenshot shows the app in action as it appears on the iPad, and the second picture reveals what pages look like after they’re emailed. Overall this is a fun app limited only by your imagination. It’s easy to use but difficult to write neatly if you want to fit more than 40 or 50 words on a single page. I’ve added a wish list below that includes some places where I think the app could grow:

Wish List
– Cut and paste.
– Share pages and notebooks via social networks.
– Integration with ability to type and add pictures.
– Convert printed words to printed text (though I know this is a long shot)

Bottom Line: Penultimate has a ton of character and plenty of room to grow. Great use of the iPad and very useful.

Price: $2.99    Score: 7/10