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Phil Schiller Tweets: Be Safe [Android Isn’t]

If there is a problem with mobile security, the iPhone, Blackberry and Windows Phone really don’t factor. Symbian? A little, but that platform is going the way of the dodo, anyway. Given how pregnant with disaster Android security is, what else would you expect Apple’s senior vice president to talk about when his company is getting irrationally battered by a bunch of know nothing fools in love with Google and Android?

Earlier today, Apple’s top marketing dog, Phil Schiller, tweeted a link accompanied by the words “Be safe out there.” As the malware threat to the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is essentially zero, what was he on about?

Android, which ain’t nothin’ but a black pit of malware malignancy and malaise — something Tapscape has been following for awhile.

That said, the F-Secure Mobile Threat Report linked to Schiller lays out which platforms are on the receiving end of what threats and it’s clear that every platform that isn’t Android is doing OK — iPhone, Blackberry, Java and Windows Phone are “safe.”


“In the fourth quarter alone, 96 new families and variants of Android threats were discovered, which almost doubles the number recorded in the previous quarter,” writes F-Secure. “A large portion of this number was contributed by PremiumSMS—a family of malware that generates profit through shady SMS-sending practices—which unleashed 21 new variants.”

The latest, freshest way to break into an Android device is, according to German researchers, freezing it. Encrypted contacts, browsing histories and photos — all your bases are belong to science.

Opportunity, method and profit — Android hackers get all three and the number of potential victims just keeps growing…

What’s your take?