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Philadelphia’s Drexel U Adds iPad Vending Machine

So, if you're a cash rich private university with everything, including a $650 million endowment, what do you buy next? Say, iPad vending machine...

So, if you’re a cash rich private university with a girthy $650 million endowment and a MacBook vending machine, what do you buy next? Quite naturally, an iPad vending machine leaps to mind.

Drexel University has underscored its status as a 1 percent institution of higher learning by announcing the latest addition to their student services portfolio, an iPad vending machine, which joins their MacBook vending machine.

Must be nice, eh?

To Drexel’s credit, their MacBook and iPad vending machines are available inside the Free Library of Philadelphia on the university’s campus. So, while regular with a Free Library library card can borrow an iPad for up to four hours, Drexel ID carrying students can check one for up to 24 hours.

iPad Vending Machine Trickles Down


“Based on the success of the laptop lending kiosk in our library, self-service technology has proven to serve as an easy, attractive option for access to items we know our library users want,” said Danuta A. Nitecki, PhD, dean of Drexel Libraries.

“We see this partnership as building upon the success of the Free Library of Philadelphia Hot Spots and Neighborhood Library Computer Labs that bring computer access, classes and the Internet to neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia,” said Siobhan A. Reardon, president and director of the Free Library of Philadelphia. “The apps downloaded on the iPads have been specifically chosen to support the digital literacy needs for children, teens and adults.”

Trickle down economics (*cough*) at their best. Yes, if you can afford Drexel University’s $35,000-plus tuition, you really should expect more…

What do you think of Drexel’s iPad vending machine?

Via: 9 to 5 Mac