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PhotoFlip! iPhone App Review: Photography Meets Notes

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PhotoFlip! is an iPhone app developed by SAEC/Kinetic Vision, Inc. This handy app combines note taking and photography, providing you with a handy way to add annotations to your favorite photographs.

PhotoFlip! is the only photo note app that integrates directly with your photo library. If you need to make a note of exactly where a photo was taken, or quickly jot down the phone number of the hottie you met at a bar last night, these photo-integrated notes are a great way to jog your memory.

PhotoFlip! iPhone App Review PhotoFlip! iPhone App Review

This app is incredibly easy to use, and it is incredibly easy to back up your notes as well. Your notes are automatically saved to a memory-efficient database, stored in iCloud, and seamlessly synced with any other iOS devices you might own.

This app allows you to sisplay notes at the top or bottom on the screen, which gives you great flexibility for different types of photos. You can also share photos directly from PhotoFlip! with your friends and contacts. Facebook and Twitter sharing are also supported.

PhotoFlip! iPhone App Review PhotoFlip! iPhone App Review

The UI here is simply gorgeous, creating an environment that makes your photos look better. This app has a crisp, clean look that makes it simple to use (and makes your photos stand out.)

There are lots of reasons an app like this is useful. You can use it to make notes of date or time a photo was taken if you want to re-create certain lighting conditions, or make a note of your feelings for the purposes of a photo diary.

Overall, PhotoFlip! is a solid app. It works great, looks great, and provides a truly useful service. If you need an app to keep your notes synced with your favorite and important photos, then this is definitely just the app for you.

PhotoFlip! requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.