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Pictureka! Causes A Racket!

Price: $0.99   Score: 8/10   Category: Games

If you’ve played Hasbro’s Pictureka! you know pretty much what to expect for EA‘s iPhone version of Pictureka!. You’re given a certain amount of time to find a designated object (or objects) and you use your eagle eyes to work against the clock.

There are many versions of this hunt and find game model, from Everest to Little Things, but Pictureka! separates itself from the rest of the pack with noise.

If you plan on playing the iPhone game with the sound on you can expect to make more than a few people think that you’re playing Bop It! in the midst of a cartoon car chase.

At the beginning of the game you get to pick and name a pet, and then decide on its stock noise. This should be an indication of what’s to come, because there’s a noise for every touch, movement, and sometimes even amongst the stillness.

At first the loudness is fun, like you’re making a racket and a big to do just for fun. Then, at least for me, it got a little stressful. Kids would probably never tire of the noise, but giving them their copy of Pictureka! for iPhone would probably be a lot like giving them a drumset for the holidays.

Everything else about Pictureka! is pretty stock. The cartoonish drawing style that gives the game its brand looks good on the iPhone, and to look for objects you scroll through a simple vertical space.

There’s a clever visual timer display and a 10 second count down to add pressure to the mix, and you can play pass ‘n play (for up to 3 players), find it first, and adventure mode depending on your mood and company.

Adventure Mode takes you through five islands where you get different visual game board displays and high scores. The biggest benefit in this mode is the between-the-level maps which are cute and fun.

Overall, if you like search and find games then this is yet another fun title for the iPhone. It’s just what you might expect except louder, and especially fun for existing game fans who want to play the game on the run with kids or groups.

Bottom Line: Pictureka! is a loud, highly sound effect ridden picture finder game that features the well known stylings of the original board game. A HD version of Pictureka is also available for the iPad ($2.99).