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Playstation 4 reveal heats up console wars

After months of waiting, Sony finally gave us a peek at the future of gaming console with the Playstation 4 during a live Feb. 20 event.

Sony PlayStation 4 launch event

Forget what you’ve heard; the next-gen console from Sony is not going to be called “Orbis” and will instead stick with the naming convention we’ve all grown to love.

During the event, Sony;s Andrew House said that the Sony Playstation 4 will give create “experiences that surpass gamers’ wildest expectations.”

Mark Cerny, lead system architect for the Playstation 4, reveals that development for the console began five years ago and that its goal is “freeing developers from technological barriers.” Cerny adds that the design of the Playstation 4is “like a PC, but super-charged.”

The vent also finally gave us a glimpse at the kind of power the Playstation 4 possesses. Here’s a quick rundown of the specs:

So what more can we expect from the Playstation 4? IGN reports:

“The pillars of PS4 are Simple, Immediate, Social, Integrated and Personalized. PlayStation 4 supports suspending and reloading play sessions. The console has a secondary chip for uploading and downloading in the background. Digital games can be played as they are being downloaded.

“The system supports seamless uploads of gameplay, spectating friends’ gameplay sessions in real time as well as integrated chat. Players will have profile pages like Facebook integrated to the ‘full PlayStation ecosystem.'”

Looks like Sony’s taking online gaming and social interaction a lot more seriously with their latest iteration of the Playstation console. It’s somethign we definitely appreciate but we’d like to see if they’re able to deliver on the console’s promise of an improved gaming experience when it finally hits the market.

We’re keeping an eye on more news about the Playstation 4 and will be sure to share them with you as soon as it becomes available.

Will the Playstation 4 be Sony’s ticket back to gaming dominance? Discuss in the comments below!