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Playstation 4 Taking Too Long? PS3 Essentials Will Keep You Occupied

Yesterday, we shared that instead of talking more about the Playstation 4, Sony has been busy prettying-up the Playstation 3. A new, even slimmer version was unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show as well as packages and sale dates for major territories.

Today, we’ve gotten a hand on a list of titles that Sony considers ‘essential’ to fully appreciating the Playstation 3 experience. Now, most of these are older titles but they’re all classics and should keep you busy until we get more word about the Playstation 4.

The PS3 Essentials titles are meant for the European market (boo!) and will retail for €19.99, unless they’ve got an * as those will retail for €14.99 and will be available for download on the Playstation Store.

Ready? Here’s the full list:

1st Party Titles:

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune*
Resistance Fall of Man
Heavenly Sword
God of War III
LittleBig Planet*
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction
ModNation Racers*
Sports Champions*
EyePet & Friends
Start The Party!
DanceStar Party!
Medieval Moves*
Move Fitness*
The Fight*

3rd Party Titles:

Assassin’s Creed II*
Assassin’s Creed*
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood*
Far Cry 2*
Prince of Persia*
Driver San Francisco*
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas 2*
James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game*
Prince of Persia – The Forgotten Sands*
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood*
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2*
Brothers In Arms: Hell’s Highway
Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X
Deus Ex: Human Revolution*
Tomb Raider: Underworld*
Just Cause 2*
Sniper: Ghost Warrior
Tekken 6
SEGA Mega Drive: Ultimate Collection
Sonic Unleashed
Virtua Fighter 5
Darksiders: Wrath Of War*
Homefront: Ultimate Edition*

Playstation 4 predecessor Playstation 3 Super Slim

Again, we think that the Playstation 3 super slim redesign looks awesome but can we just have some official news about the Playstation 4, Sony? Pretty please?

Do you have agree that these titles are the best that the Playstation 3 has to offer? Any favorites of your own that were left out? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


[via EU Playstation Blog]