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Positives of COVID-19 on the Tech Industry

Positives Of COVID-19 On The Tech Industry

Originated from Wuhan, China, the deadly Coronavirus is now a global pandemic. The first official case of Covid-19 was reported in December 2019. And since then the virus has taken over the whole world leading a huge amount of deaths. The World Health Organisation has called COVID-19 a Pandemic.

There is no single country and industry that has not been affected by this pandemic. Some have seen a rise in the growth and some industries have been destroyed. Talking specifically about the tech industry, there has been a lot of bad as well as good impacts. Let’s talk about this in a bit of detail.

The Positives Impact of the Pandemic on the Tech Industry

Due to the pandemic, almost every single country has imposed a nationwide lockdown or at least has suggested their citizens stay at home as much as possible. This thing has encouraged the scenario of “work from home”. This has significantly improved and enhanced the sale of equipment like webcams, laptops, routers, etc. The same has also been experienced in the education sector where the boost to online teaching has impacted the tech industry in the same way.

The online video conferencing apps like Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, etc. has become one of the most important ingredients for the professionals. Also, the online grocery stores like BigBasket, Grofers, etc. have expanded their products’ list even online food delivery companies like Swiggy and Zomato have entered in the online grocery delivery field.

As many of the people are locked in their homes, the boredom has become an obvious thing to experience. This has encouraged the use of online streaming services like Amazon Prime, Netflix, YouTube, etc. YouTube has experienced so much of increment in thor traffic that Google has restricted the video quality to just 480p in order to comply with the increasing load on their servers.

The gaming industry is also among those who have experienced a rise in the user base during the pandemic. The people who were playing outdoor games and spending time outside have been shifted to online gaming.

Not just traditional PC Gaming, the professional gamblers are also looking for online places for gambling as all the traditional casinos are experiencing the shutdown due to lockdown. The Surebet scenario is still pretty much the same as It provides well-researched predictions and surebets.


Each and everything in this world has its own merits and demerits and the Covid-19 pandemic is no exception. Though the pandemic is a life-risky situation, it has been proved to be a great opportunity for some sectors of the tech industry. The Covid-19 has been proved to be a disaster in a lot of ways but has also boosted so many of the sectors.

Maximum sectors that have gained benefits from this pandemic are from the tech and medical industry and this points out that there is always a positive thing to consider even in bad situations. Do you agree with this or not? Let us know your valuable thoughts down in the comments sections.