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Quill Forms VS WPForms

Quill Forms VS WPForms

In this article we will cover a comparison between Quill Forms which is the Typeform WordPress plugin with WPForms which is the most popular WordPress plugin. We will compare them at different points and see which is the winner.

1- Popularity

When it comes to popularity, then WPForms is absolutely the winner. It has more than 5 million active installations and it was in the market 6 years ago.

Quill Forms, on the other side, doesn’t have much popularity because it is a very new brand and it has been in the market only 6 months ago only!

2- Versatility

When we talk about versatility, then Quill Forms is absolutely the winner. It has a very user-friendly form builder and the form builder layout is so unique. You can drag and drop form blocks easily. That doesn’t mean that WPForms doesn’t have a user-friendly builder. It has a very easy builder but when comparing it to Quill Forms, Quill Forms will be the winner.

3- Form UI/UX

Quill Forms is known for its UI/UX. The hype behind it is for its amazing UI/UX and no plugin can compete with it. It is the best WordPress survey plugin.

WPForms on the other side has a classic form layout which is still useful. It has a conversational layout as a premium version not free like Quill Forms

4-  Integrations

When it comes to contact forms, then most users are caring about the form integrations with CRMs and payment systems. Both forms offer a good amount of integrations. We can’t say at this point that Quill Forms or WPForms is the winner.

5- Conditional Logic and Calculator

Quill Forms has a more advanced conditional logic. It has the jump logic feature to easily jump between questions based on a set of conditions. WPForms has the traditional conditional logic.

Also, the calculator at Quill Forms is very scalable to cover any cost estimation or any advanced calculation.


We had a quick comparison between WPForms and Quill Forms. Quill Forms is definitely the winner. It is the best Typeform alternative