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Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Gets A Musically-Inclined Entry-Level Sibling — The Galaxy Music

The Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and the Samsung Galaxy SIII are no doubt some of the best Android phones in the market. They offer top-of-the-line specs that would elicit “ooohhs” and “aaahhs” from anyone who’s really into smartphones. But sometimes, a good device doesn’t necessarily need to have all the bells and whistles. Sometimes, you just want a solid phone that will let you call and text, maybe have a couple of features that will keep you entertained in your idle time. If you happen to be looking for such a device, then the newly announced Samsung Galaxy Music may be right up your alley.

Samsung Galaxy Music

last month, a mystery device was included in the list of Samsung units that were getting an upgrade to Jelly Bean. Today, we’ve got confirmation that that device is the Samsung Galaxy Music and we’ve got the list of features for it:

The Samsung Galaxy Music is clearly not meant to wow users. But what it’s offering is a great looking entry-level device that’s got decent specs for a phone in its class and gives a little something extra for music fans. And sometimes, that’s all that you need, right?

Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments below!