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Samsung Galaxy S5 to feature 16MP Camera

Samsung may make just about everything when it comes to smartphones, but there’s still something they haven’t quite got sorted and that’s the cameras for devices. When it comes to the sensors it’s Sony that are the go-to brand of choice for many. However, that may be about to change with the Samsung Galaxy S5.

Rumoured to launch in the first quarter of 2014, the Samsung Galaxy S5 is expected to launch with a Samsung produced 16-Megapixel camera, but they’ll have a fight on their hands.

Sony currently provide the Samsung Galaxy S4 and Note 3 sensors used in the cameras but according to a new report Samsung LSI (Part of Samsung Group) are in a battle to win the deal to provide the sensor for the new Samsung Galaxy S5.

It is said that Samsung will begin sampling the sensors from both companies for the Samsung Galaxy S5 camera next month, with a decision expected to be made by the end of the year for the flagship device.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Made by Samsung

For an outsider, it would seemingly clearly make sense for Samsung to go with their own-branded camera sensors and it has advantages such as gaining greater control over the quality, features, and build, not to mention cost of acquiring the sensors. However, it is thought that Samsung LSI would struggle to produce enough sensors to cope with the demand of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and that’s where Sony come in. Sony have the economies of scale, and experience with mass producing the sensors – it’s a tried and tested source, so why change.

If Samsung can get the stock levels sorted then it would allow Samsung to have greater control over their own device, but it seems the Samsung Galaxy S5 will feature a 16-Megapixel camera regardless of who produces it. Watch this space.