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Samsung Galaxy S8: Latest Device Features New Design & Functionality

Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung has finally unveiled their latest handheld device from one of the most successful flagships to ever be created, the Samsung Galaxy S8. Samsung has tried something different this time around by featuring brand new designs and specifications. So let’s dive straight into it.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Gets A New Home Button

Image of new digital home button on the Galaxy S8

Samsung has finally removed their trademark home button key that’s been on every single previous smartphone device the company has released. This is something most fans of the Galaxy S-series did not see coming. Samsung has opted out of implementing a physical home button and has now placed a touch button on the screen instead. The change itself gives the new Samsung Galaxy S8 a sleek and stylish new look by making the chin of the phone smaller. Functionality wise it’s pretty standard and there doesn’t seem to be any reason why users will mind this change, very much due to the fact that the device can now display more information on its Quad HD display screen. Which brings us to the next point.

Increased Aspect Ratio with the Samsung Galaxy S8

Image shows a taller design with increased aspect ratio

With the removal of the home button, the screen on this device is now much taller in comparison to previous devices, allowing users to view a lot more of information and reducing the amounts of scrolls needed when reading a news report or when having a chat on Facebook messenger or WhatsApp.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Gets A new Iris & Facial Scanning Feature

Image of new Iris and Facial scanning on the Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung always promises new features with every release and they have not disappointed us with their release of the Samsung Galaxy S8. The device features an innovative Iris and Facial scanning feature that allows for more security. The device can now be unlocked with just the pattern of veins in your iris. Sounds completely like something out of a James Bond movie.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Gets A Personal Assistant Software named “Bixly”

Image of Samsung’s new personal assistant software ‘Bixly’

The release of the Samsung Galaxy S8 sees a new introduction of AI support from Samsung. The personal assistant software dubbed “Bixly” is Samsung’s equivalent voice assistant to rival Apple’s “Siri”. Bixly can not only understand voice commands but is also able to identify objects using a camera and can then provide further information on that object. Like a codex scanner of some sorts.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 gets an 8 MegaPixel Selfie Camera

Image of the new 8 MP Selfie Camera on the Galaxy S8

Samsung has upgraded their front facing camera by implementing an 8 MegaPixel sensory lens. This is a huge improvement in comparison to the Galaxy S7’s 5 MegaPixel camera. Camera features are relatively the same, with motion gestures to take photos still functioning. In addition, the rear facing camera is very similar to that of the Galaxy S7 as well. Which is fair enough, since there was nothing wrong with what Samsung came out with on that device.

The New Samsung Galaxy S8 is Water Resistance of IP68

Image of Samsungs Galaxy S8 Water Resistance feature

Other features that have been carried out onto the Samsung Galaxy S8 from the Samsung Galaxy S7 is that the device still maintains it’s water resistance feature. Samsung has left the Samsung Galaxy S8 at a water resistance level of IP68, which is the highest possible level of water resistance ever.
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Samsung Galaxy S8 Comes With A Fingerprint Scanner

Image of fingerprint scanner at the back of the Galaxy S8

The physical home button that used to be on previous Galaxy devices implements an embedded fingerprint scanner. However, the Samsung Galaxy S8 has had its physical home button removed. To combat that issue, Samsung has opted to embed one on the back of the device, right beside the camera. This change may be a bit drastic, however, it is just an extra security preference Samsung wanted to keep.

Samsung Galaxy S8 Supports Wireless Charging

Image of wireless charging capability

The device fully supports fast charging and wireless charging. The feature was first released with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S6. Feedback from users on that device has led Samsung to make it an occurring and permanent feature for all its future devices it seems.
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Samsung Galaxy S8 Smartphones Can Be Connected To A Desktop Monitor via DeX

Image of DeX functioning on a desktop monitor

Samsung is offering an additional device stand for the Samsung Galaxy S8 that allows users to connect their phones to a desktop monitor (Hence the name DeX) and use it as a computing device. This can allow a lot of practical use and functionality for game developers and android app programmers.

That concludes our list of all the main features that were unveiled along with the Samsung Galaxy S8 device. Pre-orders can be made using Samsung’s official web store. Samsung has promised that with every pre-order made, buyers will receive a free Samsung VR headset and it’s new controllers. Sounds like a solid deal to me.