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SimCity for Mac not ready for scheduled June 11 release

Since SimCity was released for PC, the title seems to be plagued with issues, and it only continues with SimCity for Mac which is apparently not ready for its scheduled June 11 release date.

SimCity for mac

According to EA, SimCity for Mac will be delayed because it is “not ready for [the] primetime yet” and it won’t land until around August until EA can provide what they call “a great experience” for the OS X version.

“We have made this tough decision because we do not believe it is ready for primetime yet,” said senior producer Kip Katsarelis. “We want to ensure the Mac is a great experience for our players and that is why we are taking more time.”

Despite this delay, many would argue that SimCity was not ready for release for the PC, with almost instant issues brought the game to a halt at launch. First there was the server congestion that prevented many users from connecting, and once they were finally fixed, there were some major bugs causing gameplay to be affected and key features such as the traffic system for the roads resulting in major issues.

However, perhaps EA have identified similar issues with the SimCity for Mac version and have taken the opportunity to fix the issues before releasing it to the public to avoid the same publicity.

SimCity For Mac alternative

If you’re itching to play SimCity on Mac, it’s not all bad news:

One final note for our Mac fans: As a sincere thank you for patiently waiting to play, we are going to extend the availability of the SimCityLaunch Park (released in Update 4) to all players who have purchased the Mac version. Now you, too, can launch a Llama balloon. Because who wouldn’t want to do that? Thanks again for your patience and understanding. See you in August!

Whilst the delay may be disappointing, it will be beneficial in the long term to ensure that all the bugs are ironed out before a public release, to avoid a similar experience on the PC.