Our modern life is highly dependent on technologies. Therefore, the industry of Software Product Development is rapidly expanding providing us with new solutions and giving us challenging tasks.
It’s worth mentioning that product development outsourcing becomes more and more popular. The reason is that in this case, the business does not need to create its own IT department. A reliable company of professionals can solve all the problems and provide the needed software swiftly.
To bring your idea to life seven stages are needed:
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The process of software development always starts from this critical point. During the planning phase, all the requirements, schedules, and goals are defined. You can also discuss with the developer already existing systems and ways for their improvement.
Requirement Analysis
This step is needed to analyze the functional requirements and their correspondence to the needs of clients. As a result, a Software Requirement Specification is prepared.
A high-level system design is created during the design and architecture phase. Different technical issues also arise and are discussed through this step. The developer can make several options and the customer chooses the most suitable.
There are various methodologies for the development phase itself, for example, Waterfall or Agile. The outsourcing team selects the one that suits better for the needed design and requirements determined earlier.
After the software development testers look for bugs in it and compare the requirements with the obtained results. If a defect is found, the report is sent to the developers and they fix it.
The release usually proceeds into several steps. New features, updates, and fixes can be made based on feedback and analysis of usage.
At last, the successfully implemented project needs regular support that is provided by the developer.
All this long process actually goes much more easily with outsourcing companies.