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Sportizr Premier League Past and LIVE! Android App Review

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Upon Sportizr Premier League you”re asked to create or login to your free Sportizr account. To get started simply search for your favourite club and the App will quickly find it. Upon selecting your club, you”ll be presented with the club information page which gives the current manager, league, and league position. There is then the option of diving down into the upcoming fixtures, the team lineup, and even transfer information.

The Premier League Past & Live App is extremely easy to use and follow through, and this is mostly due to the efficient layout.

You have the option to view club specific information, or a wider view of your selected league fixtures and results. It”ll even list the live games currently underway, but during the review there were no active fixtures, so unfortunately I could not test this.

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A free account with Sportizr will get you:

For a premium account at a small fee of £2 per month, you”ll be granted access to stats for over 4750 players, 9700 matches and 1.5 million match events, as well as every club and manager from the Premier League over the years. The App provides a whole wealth of functionality with just a free account, so for a small amount per month it just tops it off with up to date transfer information.

Sportizr covers all the teams from the English Premier League, so you”re sure to stay up to date with your favourite team and their associated stats.

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The App can tend to be a bit on the slow side whilst loading, but it”s pulling down an incredible amount of information so it cannot really lose too many marks because of this.

Overall, Sportizr The Premier League Past & Live App is a great App, and I wasn”t left asking for more functionality – it has everything you need for an avid football fan. As I said, my only criticism would be the loading time of the pages, but it”s a small criticism.

It”s available for free from the Google Play Store here with a free account from Sportizr.