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Sweet Greets – iOS Review

Why Sweet Greets?

Sweet Greets is an iOS and Android app with which you can design cards and then send them via email. The app also enables users to record video clips and insert them into the card. The recorded video clips replace the text in the card.

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Options and Functions

So the app’s novelty is the video clips that you can add to the inside of cards. However, note that you can only record very short video clips with the app. It limits you to about 15 seconds per clip.

The card design options included with Sweet Greets are somewhat limited. Users can select a measly six alternative fonts for the front cover text. And there is no way you can reposition or rotate the text.

Sweet Greets has just 12 cover designs to select from. Furthermore, none of them have any Xmas theme. The app includes wolf, tiger, horse, strawberry and dog images to add to your card covers, which aren’t much good for Christmas cards. However, you can add your own photos to the covers.

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Sweet Greets does not include any stickers or clip art to add to the covers. Nor does it have any cover templates to choose from. There are no options to edit the photos you add to the card cover.

Ease of Use

Sweet Greets is a simple to use app, but that is largely due to its limited options and functions. Users can select options from its vertical menu on the left of the app. The buttons there open further toolbars at the bottom of the app.


Sweet Greets is freely available without any IAPs. However, I am sure you can find alternative freely available apps with more extensive design options for cards.

Final Thoughts

With a small number of design options and covers to select from this is a not a great app to design cards with. Its video recorder option gives it a little more flexibility, but with only 15 seconds you cannot record extensive clips. You can find further details for the app at the Sweet Greets iTunes page.