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T-Mobile iPhone Coming?

The guys at BGR have managed to catch a glimpse of an N94 Apple iPhone prototype running on a T-Mobile AWS 3G Band.

We have verified that the phone itself is running a test version of Apple’s iOS, much like the one we saw in those videos from Vietnam, and it includes internal Apple test apps like Radar and Apple’s employee directory app. Additionally, the front of the white iPhone pictured looks a little different from the photos of the retail white iPhone 4 that surfaced recently — specifically, the proximity sensor has changed on the retail version. Combined with the fact that it wouldn’t make sense to release an iPhone 4 on T-Mobile at this point in time, we’d wager that Apple is just testing the new T-Mobile-friendly radio with its current iPhone 4 hardware, possibly in preparation for integration in a future device

Interesting to see that Apple is expanding their scope in terms of carriers for the iPhone, although AT&T have recently moved to acquire T-Mobile. Whether T-Mobile customers will soon be eligible for an iPhone 4 or the yet-unannounced iPhone 5 is still unknown.