Price: $0.99    Score: 6/10    Category: Games

I am kept awake most nights thinking about the cosmos and more specifically what it’d be like if say, one, two or dare I even imagine…five brightly colored comets were to cross paths in the vastness of space and explode on impact in a mass cloud of sparks! Pull down those bedroom blinds and avert your eyes from the skies, for now you need look no further than your iPhone for the galaxy’s biggest bangs in Collision Effect.

Collision Effect is brand new celestial action packed puzzler that utilizes the iPhone’s touch screen with simple tap controls and stunning visual effects online casino canada as you battle your way through a spectrum of different colored comets, making sure they don’t collide with projectiles of different colors on their journey through space. Basically, colored orbs fly from all directions of the screen toward the centre, upon tapping one of the orbs, all it fellows in the area of the same color fly toward it and explode. Any mismatched orbs that come into contact with each other will immediately result in a ‘game over’. So longevity of the game is enhanced by that feeling of ‘I’ll just have one more go at it’.


I must admit, upon first loading up this game I wasn’t expecting casino online too much, with just the two game modes and a menu screen that wasn’t responding as well as it should have been, but the visual effects kept me interested. You just never get tired of those explosions.

One Giant Leap for Mankind? While this game is fun, it just didn’t manage to hold my interest for more than a few goes, especially with some of the killer games going around at the moment. But I guess if you only had say, a minute or two to fill in an elevator or something, or you like simple repetitive games with plenty of pretty colors, then this game is the game for you.

Compatible with iPhone, iPode touch and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later.


Claiming to be from the future, in a time when ‘Apple’ rules the world, Matt Wilkinson is now living life back in 2011 as undercover freelance journalist & rock n roll maverick in order to save human kind from evil apps. Having fallen in love with the people in this time, he has remained here & spends his time in Australia working at a record company, running a Tee-Shirt label, co-creator of KID TV’s ’Easy-Peasy’ & fronting mighty rock band ‘The MoonKids’.