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The Legality Of Androgen Receptor Modulators In 2021 And Latest Updates

The Legality Of Androgen Receptor Modulators In 2021 And Latest Updates

SARMs or Selective androgen receptor modulators are a class of compounds that are used clinically in the treatment of diseases and by fitness freaks and bodybuilders for gaining muscle mass, lessening fat and increasing strength.

It is a performance enhancing drug that is used in testosterone replacement therapy, osteoporosis treatment and muscle wasting treatment.

Unlike other steroids SARMs do not have as many side effects, they do not affect any other organs and there is no risk of extra cell growth. This is the reason SARMs are being chosen over anabolic supplements. Anabolic supplements cause side effects and have higher risks but SARMs don’t as they are selective in nature.

SARMs link themselves with androgen receptors in your body and they mimic the way testosterone works in your body. This is done in a way that doesn’t cause harm. It increases overall strength, nitrogen retention and increases protein synthesis in the body.

SARMs v/s Steroids

SARMs have not been clinically approved yet by the FDA and many countries have not allowed usage by humans. But they are available off the label and are being used by many of them. The usage of SARMs is comparatively better than other steroids but the long term effects are unknown as of now. It can cause liver toxicity and increase risk of heart attacks. Yet these side effects are nowhere near to the side effects caused by the anabolic steroids

What are Sarms?

The main difference between steroids and SARMs are :

The clear difference in the advantages of SARMs has pulled in a lot of people who are into fitness and increased research on SARMs in the medical field.

Types of SARMs

Most Common Types of SARMs

Ostarine (MK-2866)

Testolone (RAD140)

Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Andarine (S-4)

Ibutamoren (MK-677)


Cardarine (GW-501516)

After reading this you may have gotten a basic understanding of what SARMs are and what their uses can be. And to add a bit of caution to the air, beware of what you buy and where you buy as there are many fake SARMs being sold. Consult people with knowledge before you consume SARMs and check the dosage for each properly.