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The SEO Specialist Of The Netherlands!

The SEO Specialists Of The Netherlands!

Httpmarketing is a Full-service web agency for entrepreneurs and SME and SMB companies in the Netherlands. We make mobile apps, build professional websites with, of course, responsive web design.

We also provide customized solutions for companies that want to be highly findable on Google!

We are a pure sang online marketing agency and experts in making websites findable by search engines. Specialized in all SEO aspects for the findability in Google search.

Httpmarketing is an technical SEO agency to make your website always succeed! Below you can find an overview of our methods and expertise.

Httpmarketing seo specialist

On-page, also called website optimization, means among other things, writing qualitative texts that meet the needs of the website visitor. This content should be up to date, relevant and have an added value.

In addition, aspects such as the structure of the website and user-friendliness are analyzed as well as the internal link structure. This should be constructed logically. This should always take place in cooperation with the website builder or web designer so that adjustments and/or construction can be carried out correctly.

An important part of our work concerns improving the reputation and authority of the website. This is done, among other things, by applying the right link building strategy. Link building via external backlinks that refer to site or website url. Here, too, it is crucial that there is a connection between link and site and that it also has sufficient reputation in the eyes of the search engine.

Our experts only follow the guidelines of Google regarding link building and on- and off-page  SEO. This always means organic link building and blogging on sites that have sufficient reputation. Each link is supported with content that is related to the subject of your website page.

More about link building and backlinks

We also integrate your website within all known social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Pinterest etc. This as a part of the entire marketing strategy to grow the reputation and findability of your website organically.

Our SEA  experts are also at your service for your ad campaign at Google adwords, Facebook ad, LinkedIn business page or other relevant (social platforms) for maximum return on your online advertising budget.

The terms online marketing, website optimization and search engine optimization (SEO) are often mixed up, as there is an overlap in the meaning of this term and it covers many aspects. Search engine optimization meaning: search engine optimization are all on-page and off-page aspects to increase the ranking of a website.

Besides optimizing a website you should also consider posting qualitative backlinks to your site as there are seen as a recommendation.

Note: Very important if these backlinks are of good quality and authority and if they are of course organic links. They should also be related to the content of your website (Branch, service or product) and preferably in the same language!

Google certainly looks at the quality of the backlinks and association where the authority values as mentioned at Ahrefs, MOZ and Majestic ( DA / PA / TF / CF / DR / UR / OBL / Spam score) are important.