Advertising on YouTube buying views is all over the place right now, isn’t it? Many people are talking around and writing about the need to shoot videos, upload them to YouTube and launch ads. But wait a minute, guys! Why is YouTube advertising so attractive? What do marketers need to know about launching it?
So, advertising on YouTube. How many times have you heard of her; saw when watching videos on channels, but did not even know how effective it could work for your business. Just imagine – you spent months writing the script of the video and bringing it to perfection, you made a storyboard, found the right specialists. Let’s take a look at the main ways to promote a video on YouTube on your own.
Optimize your video.
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Correct filling of the data for the video guarantees 50% of the success of your video and blog. Why?
There are two important points to keep in mind here.
Technical specifications.
Quite convenient that YouTube has its own recommendations for technical settings. All you have to do is go to the Google Help Center. With these guidelines, you can easily customize your video according to the rules.
Whether or not to use editing sheets, which can speed up the launch of a video, what parameters of the audio and video codec to set, in what proportion the sides of the video should be related and what to do with the color space – all this can be configured using the indicated tab.
What is the video’s metadata?
How to name, what description to make? Be sure to take the time to think about top tags, an attention-grabbing splash screen, so YouTube understands what your video is about.
Here, it is important to strike a balance between catchy pictures and correspondence to the content. To do this, define exactly what the essence of your video is and what triggers can be visualized.
How to name?
Do not upload videos with original filenames. Yes, it seems to be a simple truth, but always useful.
The title must contain relevant phrases. Remember or jot down a checklist:
the core of the meaning, that is, the main keyword; then the name of the product and brand is indicated; if your video is an interview or a lecture, do not forget the name of the lecturer or speaker; an important trend is to put a hashtag and the name of the event if the video is eventful; specify city and country.
Please note that the maximum length for a video title is 70 characters. Yes, you need to meet this volume, otherwise it will be more difficult for the video to rise in the rating. The user responds to short, catchy headlines.
The maximum description size is 5000 characters. Tags also have limitations – a maximum of 500 characters.
These parameters are essential to keep your video competitive. You understand that in the struggle for the number of views, you need to follow the rules and be creative.
P.S. And what is more important … TOP-5 analytics.
It should be remembered that there should be a meaning behind different formats and chips – your clear goals for the development of the channel with the help of video. Professionals know that before starting work on creating another video for YouTube, you need to do painstaking analytical work.
What is included here.
Understanding the goals that you see in front of you when creating a channel. Think seriously about what results you want to achieve? Be sure to set yourself specific time intervals (month, quarter, year, etc.).
Understanding the topic of the channel.
By creating a channel, you are counting on long-term performance. This means that you need to determine what you will talk about in the video format to your audience. It is important to consider that this should be interesting to you, otherwise the motivation will weaken very quickly, and your idea may fade away.
Knowing your target audience makes your job easier and more enjoyable. Determine her age, interests, portrait. Understanding who your potential consumer is will make it easier to produce content that brings in both views and ratings. This means you will achieve results.
Analyze your competitors.
You always need to understand what niche you are in and what the pros and cons of those who are with you in the same “clearing”. This analysis allows you to determine what tastes your target audience has, what hits her, what leaves her indifferent.
Remember that audiences come to YouTube for entertainment or useful information. Your task is to understand who will be watching you. And then you will definitely take off to the top!
The content plan is everything.
Be sure to structure your channel work. A content plan will allow you to clearly understand the work schedule, meet deadlines and accustom your audience to a certain frequency of your new videos.
If you know how much video you need to produce per month, take a more responsible and serious approach to the production of each video and you can engage in long-term planning and channel scaling. And, of course, do not forget that the regularity of the release will lead to an increase in views and an increase in the number of subscribers. Buy likes for youtube – the fastest way to promote your channel.
And why it is important to be able to submit content and how to work with visuals, read above. These recommendations will help you create effective and interesting content that viewers will enjoy watching as they move deeper through your channel and recommend it to friends.
Audience loyalty and high-quality content generation will lead to leadership positions in your segment. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to creating and developing a YouTube channel.