Virgin Atlantic will begin to try-out Google Glass by providing its employees with the new high-tech device. The productivity enhancements provided by using Glass are all directly related to making the flying experience feel more first-class and premium.
While it’s fantastic that more people can now fly than ever before, the fact that air travel has become so accessible has led to some of the sheen being lost for many passengers, – Dave Bulman, director of IT, Virgin Atlantic
All of these devices will be provided to employees in the Upper Class Wing of Heathrow airport in London.
We continue to look ahead and research innovations that customers might only dream of today. The whole industry needs to listen to what these passengers are calling for, and keep innovating to bring a return to the golden age of air travel. Flying should be a pleasure not a chore. – Dave Bulman
The devices will be used by staff as soon as they help first class fliers into the airport. Virgin Atlantic”s staff will be able to provide a more personalized service to the people that they casino are helping by taking information from Glass that would have otherwise been inefficient to carry around.
By being the first in the industry to test how Google Glass and other wearable technology can improve customer experience, we are upholding Virgin Atlantic’s long tradition of shaking things up and putting innovation at the heart of the flying experience, – Dave Bulman
Information like weather reports for a flier”s destination and details about the flight will all be available through Google Glass. Virgin Atlantic hopes that in the future, even more information will be available through Glass so that its employees can continue to personalize every experience.
Summary: Virgin Atlantic will test-out Google Glass at Heathrow airport in an attempt to make the flying experience feel more first-class to fliers.
(Image Credit: t3)