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What are the best places that you need to visit in Kolkata?

What are the best places that you need to visit in Kolkata?

Kolkata is one of the most important cities which will be helpful in providing you with easy access to the ever-evolving market, the city of Joy along with plenty of options for the tourists to explore. If you are a literature person or have a level of history then definitely there is no need to worry because Kolkata will definitely helpful you to have the perfect time in this city. Some of the basic places that you need to visit in the city of Kolkata after you plan the stay in JW Marriot Kolkata are explained as follows:

1. ISKCON Temple Kolkata:

This is one of the most important places in the city and is the first ISKCON centre in the entire nation which was established in 1972. This place is also referred to as Sri SriRadhaGovindaMandir and is the organisation which will be popularising the teachings of Lord Krishna where is the pond sacred Bhagwat Gita. Visiting this particular place is definitely a good idea and when here you need to consume the hundred per cent Satvik meal which has been prepared by the volunteer devoted.

2. Millennium Park:

This is one of the most important places situated on the banks of the Hooghly River and is one of the gifts from the city of Kolkata Metropolitan development authority. Apart from the very basic variety of flowers in pretty lights, this particular place comes with a significant atmosphere for people from all age groups because there is a kids zone for the kids, multiple rides for the adults and boat rides for the adults along with long walks for everyone. The food code of this particular place helps in providing people with access to their favourite delicacies without any problem.

3. Paresh Nath Jain Temple:

This particular temple is one of the major attractions of the city of Kolkata and was built in 1867. The beautiful complex of this temple is very much capable of attracting visitors from the whole nation for the divine aura which is based upon detailed marble work and gorgeous glass work. Visitors in this particular area will be very well advised in terms of meditating so that everyone will be able to enjoy the calm and composed behaviour along with proper emerging of the things into it.

4. Birla industrial and technological Museum: 

This place was established in 1959 and is the first science museum in the entire nation. This particular area comes with significant interactive programmes and exhibitions which will be actively helpful in engaging the people in promoting science among the masses, especially children. This option will be definitely helpful in providing people with access to fun science, 3D film, surprising chemistry, mathematical demonstration and other associated things so that everyone will be able to have a perfect time over here.

5. New town eco-park:

This is the largest possible park in the entire country and is spread across 480 acres of land. This park is a complete water body with and island in the middle which makes it very much promising. The park has been divided into three main areas which will be the theme garden, open space, recreational sport and the ecological zone. Definitely, this is one of the most important places to be visited in the entire city and is one of the best possible attractions of Kolkata city.

6. Mother House Kolkata:

This is a small building which is housing the tomb of Mother Teresa. There are several photos, personal belongings and articles of mother Teresa displayed over here and if you are around RIPPON Street then definitely visiting this particular beautiful building is a good idea to get insights into the life of the respectable mother Teresa.

7. Kalighat Kali Temple:

This particular temple originated from the term Kalighat and is one of the most important neighbourhoods of Kolkata which is also the house of Kali Temple. Surrounded by a shopping Street this particular place is one of the most important, busy and crowded components of the entire city which will be helpful in providing people with the perfect experience of shopping along with worshipping.

8. Science City in Kolkata:

The science city of Kolkata is one of the most important tourist places in the entire city which was inaugurated in 1987. Basically, this is a government-run centre and the largest in the entire nation. Students also love visiting over here to explore the popular exhibits in the form of the aquatic world, Jurassic world, and the Time Machine. The ticket for this particular place is Rs.60 and it is open from 9 AM-8 P.M.

9. Marble Palace Mansion Kolkata: 

This is located in north Kolkata and is one of the most important places which was built in 1835. This particular property will be housing very rare paintings and is also having the sun filled with rear and exotic species of birds and animals. People can easily visit this particular property for the beautiful architecture and paintings associated with it.

10. Jawaharlal Nehru Road:

If you are interested to visit the city of Kolkata and having the best possible experience over here then visiting central Kolkata is a good idea because this is the favourite hangout spot located for the locals and tourists alike. This particular street is very well filled with small and big shopping complexes and stores so that everybody will be able to enjoy this rolling in the street in the evening and ultimately everybody will be able to enjoy the local culture and people without any problem in the whole process.

11. Eden Gardens Kolkata: 

If you are a cricket fan then visiting this particular place is definitely one of the most important things which should be on the top of your list. Cricket fans can definitely get fond of different kinds of matches played over here whenever they will be stepping into the building. This is the second largest stadium in the whole world and comes with an impressive 66,349 spectators capacity at a time.

So, visiting the city of Kolkata is definitely worth a due to the points and places mentioned above and visiting this particular place from October to February is a good idea because these are the ideal ones as per the weather conditions. Hence, planning the stay in JW Marriot Kolkata is definitely advisable for you to enjoy easy access to the places mentioned above.