Why is it Impossible to Run A Business Without Technology In 2020?

In today’s age, most of the people who run businesses do not stay disconnected to the Internet for more than twenty-four hours. Communication within the organization and with customers largely depends on technology now. Although when technology was not as advanced as it is today, people used to run businesses even then and were quite successful, in contemporary times survival and growth of companies massively rely on technology. It is because of technology and the Internet that small business owners can become a threat to established companies.

Technology has evolved business much more in the last few years than it was changed in over a decade. Technology continues to progress at a speed of light and discoveries, new trends and different strategies are now emerging more than ever. It would not be wrong to claim that it has given ways to achieve more profit than fewer investments, hard work and labour. When new software comes into the market, its’ cost is generally high, but in less than a week, counterfeit software is out which forces original people to cut down its price. Moreover, much free software is also available online that help business flourishes in less time with less capital.

Generally, people have grown accustomed to using technology in their daily lives. For a large number of people doing day-to-day chores require technology. Similarly, business people start panicking if for some reason they are unable to use the Internet or technology even for a short time. They heavily depend on it and find it impossible to run a business without it. Markets are now full of many companies which offer technological services for businesses. Dynam.AI is a one-stop solution for all related technical queries. Here are some reasons why no business can survive without technology in 2020.

Innovation in Business

History is full of examples of the companies that flourished and went ahead of their contemporaries because they dared to do something that was not done before. Technology fosters innovation, which brings out better data storage, brilliant applications, smarter software and most importantly, quick processing. Business who are open to new ideas and do not hesitate to try unconventional stuff take advantage of innovation. Although a change in business or technology, none can guarantee an absolute profit, one should remember that risk and business go hand in hand. It is impossible to segregate them.


Business people always knew the importance of securing data, and they were willing to pay a hefty amount to keep their information secure. Technology makes it possible to store data with high security, to which only a handful of people can get access. The information stays confidential, and it becomes less vulnerable. On the other hand information about the company’s employee, customers and even competitors can be stored too.

Better Decisions

With the rise in technology, people have designed some software and algorithms that help in predicting customers’ feedback. However, these software or algorithms do not give a cent per cent accurate results, but most of the time, these results are closer to the actual ones. With the help of these business owners try out new strategies and then run through this software to get an idea of how customers would react to their strategy. Sometimes they even manufacture products in small quantity and use technology to see the impact of their products and then take the further decision to whether to continue or discontinue the product. Technology has made it possible to reach out to the market and get an insight into customer’s interests.

Digital Marketing

Marketing is about reaching the right people at the right time with proper content. Currently, people spend most of their time on gadgets and information that is sent through using technology which reaches them instantly. This is the age of digital marketing, and it has bloomed in the last few years. Businesses which have realized the importance of it have already started marketing their products and services using technology. They hire skilful people to design and then run a campaign on an online platform. Technology has also helped in creating advertisements on the computer. Graphic designing has gone under a major transformation with the rise in technology, and people use graphics to attract customer’s attention to persuade them to avail their services.

Effective Communication

Business requires effective communication and surety that the other party has received the information. Many at times people need to send direct messages, and they need instant answers too. Technology has made it plausible as instant communication is on everyone’s fingertips. Technology has become fundamental in today’s communication, and survival of a business without it is out of the question. Moreover, companies also need to stay up to date about their competitors, and technology has now made it a reality.

Enhancing Customers Relationship

One of the marketing trends that has always been a part of the marketing strategy is to keep customers happy. When technology had not taken over our lives, even then business owners used to reach out to their customers to get their feedback and tried to resolve if there were any complaints. Technology has made this process convenient. With online communication in everyone’s reach businesses have taken advantage to strengthen their relationship with their customers.


Technology has enhanced the business of every kind. Whether it is warehousing, real estate, garment or a freight industry, technology has a significant role to play. Technology also enables business owners to stay abreast with the happenings around the world, which may affect their business in any way. Technology is ever-changing, and by now, business people have realized that discoveries and new companies will keep on emerging and thus making their competition fierce. It has also enabled businesses of a small scale to compete with already stabled companies and have threatened them in terms of sales and profit. Use of technology does not necessarily require an experienced person. However, it is a plus, but a skilful person who knows technology works can be an asset to any business. Business owners have now woken up to the reality and admitted the importance of technology, and hence they no longer consider investing in technology as a wrong move.