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Xbox 360 Achievements To Finally Get You Free Stuff

I have a stupid confession to make. When I was new to the Xbox 360, I thought Achievement Points were the same as MS Points. I painstakingly went through the trouble of trying to get every achievement there was in every game that I played and had a warm feeling inside me as I watched my Achievement Points grow, thinking that one day I could cash it all in for some awesome new games at the Xbox Live Marketplace.

And then my world came tumbling down when I found out those Achievement Points meant jack.

Xbox 360 Achievement Points Rage

The good news is that new Xbox 360 fans won’t have to go through the same ordeal I did because Microsoft has started a new program called MyAchievements. This new program makes earning achievements have a point because it gives you rewards based on your Xbox 360 Gamerscore.

The program is open to all Xbox Live Gold subscribers. Below are the different levels and the points you need to earn in order to qualify:

Xbox 360 GamerScore

As the image above illustrates, each level gives you reasons to go out and earn more Xbox 360 Achievement Points, such as rebates on your Xbox Live purchases, in addition to the “Special Gift” that you’ll be getting on your birthday month. How cool is that?

It’s great that Microsoft and the Xbox 360 are finally giving you something in return for spending all those hours in front of your TV, obsessively trying to unlock every achievement there is in a game. Looks like a lot of us Xbox 360 gamers will be spending more time indoors.

Xbox 360 Achievements

What do you think of Microsoft’s new MyAchievements program? What’s your Gamerscore right now? Compare points in the comments below!