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Xbox 360 Targets Female Gamers With New Beauty App

One of the running jokes in the gaming community, albeit a false one, is there’s no such thing as a female gamer. And if there was one, you wouldn’t want to date her anyway. Apparently, Xbox and renowned cosmetics company L’Oreal think otherwise because the two have teamed up to give the Xbox 360 its first female beauty-centric app called “The Next Level.”

Xbox 360 L'Oreal The Next Level App

L’Oreal USA VP for digital marketing Esohe Omoruyi sees the app as a way to reach out to women who want to combine their passion for beauty with entertainment:

“With more content and women on Xbox LIVE than ever before, we see this as a tremendous opportunity for L’Oréal USA. We wanted to connect with this rapidly growing audience and combine their passion for entertainment and beauty into one seamless personalized experience.”

Advertising company Brightline saw the Xbox 360 and Xbox Live as the perfect tool to accomplish L’Oreal message of beauty and made the partnership possible. Brightline CEO Jacquelline Corbelli had this to say:

“We realized immediately that L’Oreal was the perfect partner to create a seamless beauty, lifestyle, and experience on the Xbox. The result is designed to connect with viewers in all the ways we know L’Oreal already has in the retail world. It represents a new kind of brand evangelism and engagement.”

So what can you expect from The Next Level app for the Xbox 360? Here’s a list of key features:

Now, we all know there are indeed a lot of awesome female gamers out there (just take a look at Nerdy Netty) so I guess it’s not so bad to have a dedicated app that would allow them to indulge their more feminine side without having to let go of the Xbox 360 controller. What do you guys think?

The Nerdy Netty Female Gamer

Oh, Nerdy Netty, if you do get to read this, call me.


[via Businesswire]